GDPR Privacy Policy
On the 25th May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect.
This privacy notice lets you know what information we keep about our customers and suppliers.
- Personal Contact Details
Customers' details such as full name, personal or business name, address, telephone number and email address.
Suppliers' details such as full name, personal or business name, business address, telephone number, email address and bank details.
- How this information is used
We only use the personal data in the day to day running of our business.
We may contact you regarding invoices, remittances, information we require to carry out our business or information we wish to pass on to you.
We only use the personal data in the day to day running of our business.
We may contact you regarding invoices, remittances or information required.
- How information is stored
Customer business names and contact details are held on our accounting system on an encrypted server and backup system. No Customer bank details or credit card information are stored on our accounting system. We have anti-virus systems on our PCs and an outside company that are responsible for our maintenance and security.
- Credit Card Details
Credit card payments are handled by Paymentsense, who are GDPR compliant. Once payment has been received all information is destroyed.
No credit card information is stored on any computer system nor hard copies retained by W.J.Joyce (Eng) Ltd.
- Third Party Information
W J Joyce (Engineers) Ltd will not pass on any contact details to any other company unless we have permission from yourself - this includes any credit reference requests from suppliers.
- How long do we hold information
W J Joyce (Engineers) Ltd, will hold your personal information for as long as we have business requirements to do so and to ensure a good working relationship.
As long as we provide goods or services to our customers and receive goods or services from our suppliers.
- What are your rights under Data Protection Laws ?
You have the following rights under GDPR
The right to be informed about the processing of your personal information and to have your personal information corrected if it is inaccurate and to have incomplete information completed.
The right to object to or restrict processing of your personal information.
The right to request access to your information and to have your personal information erased if required.